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How Much Protein Are You Getting From Your Dairy Product?

How Much Protein Are You Getting From Your Dairy Product?

Dairy products are nutrient-dense food items rich in calcium, vitamin D proteins, vitamin B12, vitamin B3, vitamin A, riboflavin, potassium, and phosphorus that aids  muscle growth, promote fat loss, strengthen bones, and boost immunity.

Additionally, dairy proteins contains different bioactive compounds that exhibit medicinal benefits. Dairy protein consumption can lower your risk of metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and even cancers.

Dairy proteins are considered a high-quality protein, or complete protein because it contains all 9 essential amino acids in proportions that fulfill the nutritional needs.

Describing 2 Major Dairy Proteins 

Casein and Whey protein are the major proteins in dairy products that have high nutritive value and remarkable medicinal properties.

1-litre milk contains approximately 29.5 g of Casein protein and 6.3 g of whey protein. Whey is digested rapidly, while casein protein takes time to be digested, with a slow release of amino acids in the bloodstream.

Different dairy products have different protein content. This protein content depends upon the level of processing of each dairy product. For instance, during the processing of cheese or yogurt, the liquid that is strained away contains whey protein which is then dried into powdered form to be commercially sold. While the remaining semi-solid product that is left behind contains high casein protein.

Due to this, a serving of greek yogurt has more protein content than plain yogurt. A serving of low-fat milk has more protein and less fat than whole milk. Ice creams on the other hand are low in protein and high in calories and sugar. While butter has minimum protein and maximum fat.

How Dairy Protein Benefits us?

Dairy proteins are more satiating than other protein sourcesThese proteins regulate food intake by inducing satiety signals. It is reported that a 45 g whey protein, in the form of any sweetened beverage can suppress food intake more than albumin, protein in egg, and soy protein 1hr later for a pizza1. In another study, consuming a drink with 400 Cal and 48 g of whey can reduce food intake after one and a half hours for a buffet meal. 2

A high dairy protein breakfast is also good for patients with type 2 diabetes in the way that it raises glucagon-like peptide-1 levels (GLP-1) than a high-carbohydrate breakfast. GLP-1 can lower blood sugar levels by enhancing insulin secretion.3

Whey protein also works wonders to reduce your waist circumference in a way that it reduces ghrelin levels, a hormone in the stomach that conveys the sense of hunger to the brain. It is more effective to control hunger than soy protein or carbohydrate.4That is why whey protein is considered superior to casein.

Intake of 25 g of casein daily in dairy products can effectively reduce the bad cholesterol levels (LDL- C) .5

Biologically active substances released by the digestion of dairy proteins are also reported to possess anti-hypertensive properties.6

The amino acids, especially leucine in dairy proteins, help to minimize muscle loss while increasing muscle protein synthesis. 7

Protein Content in Your Dairy Product

Dairy Product

Serving Size


Greek yogurt

170 g

17 g

Plain yogurt

113 g

5.9 g

Low fat milk

1 cup

8.3 g

Whole milk

1 cup

7.7 g



0.1 g

Cottage cheese

½ cup

12 g

Mozzarella cheese

28 g

6.3 g

Cheddar Cheese

28 g

6.5 g

Ice cream

1 cup

4.6 g


On average, adult females are recommended to consume at least 46 grams of protein per day. While adult males should consume at least 56 grams per day. 

In certain cases such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or intense physical activities, protein demands of the body increase. Therefore, a regular servings of dairy products can provide a considerable amount of the protein we require daily. 

Calculate your daily protein intake


Dairy products should be consumed by all age groups to maintain good health status and prevent diet-related chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. The proteins in dairy products can also effectively treat diarrhea, hypertension, blood clots, dental diseases, mineral malabsorption, and strengthen our immune system.

The protein we get from dairy is superior due to the presence of all essential amino acids which is lacking in plant-based protein except for soy protein. Also, dairy products have high protein content than plant-based protein. If you are a flexitarians or a lactovegetarian, you can get abundant protein from dairy sources. So it's good to choose high dairy protein options such as cheese, greek yogurt, and cottage cheese to fulfill daily protein needs with additional health benefits.



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