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Third Wave of Corona: Are we truly prepared?

Third Wave of Corona: Are we truly prepared?

Why do we need to be prepared for the third wave of COVID-19? Will, it really be more merciless in comparison to the first and second waves? Precautions and preparedness at an individual and mass level are perhaps the most critical steps to ensure significant preventive care. Let’s read to know more……

We might soon be going to witness the third wave of Coronavirus with a high number of cases on the daily basis. According to some speculations, unlike the first and second wave, the third wave could be more hazardous owing to the virus’s mutation which could result in a faster spread of the virus. It is difficult to predict the magnitude and timing of the third wave but with advanced preparedness and by following the lockdown norms well we can ensure the highest level of readiness. Next, we need to scale up the number of health facilities at the local level by educating people about home care as patients with no symptoms and mild symptoms can be treated at home with trustworthy health monitoring devices.  

Read: Health Monitoring Devices: Why They Are Important and How They Will Help You


The first and second waves of coronavirus taught us the importance of mask-wearing, sanitization, hand washing, social distancing, and the need of getting COVID-19 vaccine shots. Vaccination is an important step to stay safe from coronavirus but experts believe that vaccinated individuals are also likely to catch the virus with serious outcomes occasionally. Experts predicted the number of cases and deaths among vaccinated people will increase at the same pace as the previous waves if it is driven by the new contagious Delta variants. As a result, it could be as severe as that of the previous two waves. The vaccination will play a significant role in controlling the spread of the virus but the number of breakthrough cases will increase easily.  


Breakthrough infections is not a new term. It refers to COVID-19 infection that persists for more than 14 days among those people who have been fully vaccinated but still pick up the virus. In this situation, you either develop mild symptoms or remains asymptomatic with rare risk or no risk of hospitalization and any other health emergency. Infected people can have mild to severe symptoms like- cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, fatigue, body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, etc. that may appear within 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. While people with severe chronic ailments seem to be at higher risk for developing serious complications.


If you do get infected by coronavirus even after having vaccination shots, you may be contagious but you yourself will remain protected from a severe illness. The chances of serious illness are higher for those who are suffering from any chronic illness like cancer, diabetes, obstructive pulmonary disease, arthritis, asthma, and any genetic disorder as chronic illness deteriorates the immune system. A higher number of breakthrough infections were observed among older age groups with frail immune systems. However, when viruses blow out with greater frequency, there are higher chances to get infected (even including those who are vaccinated). Moreover, you may have enough immunity to fight a breakthrough infection but, it is best to try and avoid being infected altogether.


The Covid-19 pandemic has now spread globally. At this stage of the pandemic, it is estimated by experts that children could be more susceptible towards the third wave as they are not being vaccinated yet. To avoid the disastrous consequences, regular health monitoring for prevention and care should be our topmost priority, especially for the children who could be the next susceptible group. In order to take care of the children, a deeper understanding of their health would be very important.  


If you notice common virus symptoms in any of your family members (or yourself), note that you can become healthy with regular home health monitoring and altering your lifestyle accordingly. So, stocking up all the right (need of the hour) health monitoring devices at home could be a wise idea as these devices help you keep a record of your vitals easily (and consistently). They enable you to share your health data with a health care provider or other monitoring entities from the comfort of home. There are several non-invasive health monitoring devices authorized for use at home to avoid the COVID-19 health emergency. Commonly used remote health monitoring devices include - pulse oximeters, blood pressure monitors, digital thermometers, and glucometers, etc. So, here are the best and most trustworthy health monitoring devices that you can get delivered directly to your doorstep.  

Also Read: Fingertip Pulse Oximeters: How These Small Devices Could Aid in the Battle of Coronavirus and More

We actually can only predict the probable impact of the third wave on the basis of the previous two waves. However, by improving our health Infrastructure and speeding up the vaccination drives, we can reduce the disastrous outcomes of the possible third wave. Also need to follow Corona’s social restrictions like washing hands, use of masks and physical distancing, etc. seriously.

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