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Is milk Tea Really Healthy? Side Effects Of Milk Tea On Your Health You Must Know

Is milk Tea Really Healthy? Side Effects Of Milk Tea On Your Health You Must Know

A hot cup of tea is always the best break to boost your mood, get some energy, and restart your work. Tea is one of the most beloved beverages all over the world. If you are feeling tired, sleepy, or having a headache, a cup of hot tea will cheer you up.



Tea has been consumed for centuries in various parts of the world. It is believed traditionally that tea has several health benefits which include Antioxidant Properties, Digestive Support, Energy Boost, Calming and Relaxing Effects, Immune System Support, Respiratory Relief, etc.


No doubt the benefits of tea depend on the type of tea you consume, hence Scientists are continuously studying, and researching to prove the traditional beliefs of tea benefits.


The types of tea have a never-ending list since each region has its special touch on the flavours of tea.  Some of the types of tea include:


Black Tea
Green Tea
Blue Tea
Oolong Tea
White Tea
Herbal Tea
Blended and Flavoured Teas


Aside from taking milk tea, blue tea is widely consumed for its medicinal properties. Here are 10 Extraordinary Health Benefits of Blue Tea




Consuming milk tea, like many other beverages and foods, can have both positive and negative effects on your health, depending on various factors such as the ingredients used, the frequency of consumption, and individual health considerations. Here are some points to consider:

Milk tea is consumed in various ways since each region has its own way of preparing this delicious beverage. It includes sugar, dairy milk, tea leaves or ingredients and some hot water.

In India, milk tea is consumed 2-3 times a day on average. However excess tea with milk may lead to severe health risks affecting your skin, mental health, hair etc.


Did you know…..

"The consumption volume of tea in India was approximately 1.2 billion kilograms during the financial year 2022."



How Milk Tea Can Be Harmful For Your Health


Sleep Cycle And Insomnia

Milk Tea contains caffeine which affects the sleep cycle. Caffeine causes you to be active and boosts your energy. It is believed that more than 2 cups of tea a day can interrupt your sleep cycle.


Reduce Iron Absorption

Flavonoids are a component present in milk tea five times more than the green tea. It obstructs the process of protein which is responsible for absorption of Iron in Blood.

Consuming excess milk tea will increase the amount of Flavonoids which may cause a deficiency of Iron which will lead to anaemia, weakness, dizziness etc. 2

Side Effects Of Milk Tea On Skin 

Milk tea contains sugar which can cause acne and dullness of the skin. Some of the studies show that excess intake of milk tea may cause cystic acne breakouts, inflammation of the skin, and darker patches under the eyes caused by dehydration.

Even high consumption of caffeine may lead to premature ageing of your skin and may create loose skin.


Digestive Issues

The Combination of Sugar, caffeine and milk may worsen acid reflux symptoms. Sometimes it may cause digestive discomfort, bloating, or gas. The improper digestion of food will create irritation, frustration, diarrhoea and abdominal pain
. 4



Some researchers and studies show that excess caffeine increases the production of acid in the stomach and may also loosen up the sphincter that separates your Oesophagus from your stomach allowing a smooth digestion process.

However, caffeine may sometimes disrupt this process and sometimes may cause heartburn or burps.


Weight Gain

Some of the milk teas contain high levels of sugar and Calories which will lead you to weight gain if it is not taken in a balanced amount.


 Did you know?  

"Leaving the consumption of Caffeine abruptly after a regular intake may cause unpleasant symptoms, such as headaches and irritability which is known as caffeine withdrawal syndrome." 



Caffeine Dependence

Regular and excessive consumption of tea may lead to an unnecessary habit of caffeine in our body.  Caffeine is not a required nutrition for our body and consuming it at such a high level will work the same as any other drug leading to various health issues.

It may cause caffeine withdrawal syndrome.

Tooth Decay And Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may face allergic reactions because of milk proteins, flavour additives or different kinds of tea leaves. It may lead to skin rashes, redness, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

Even the sugar and hotness of tea may lead to sensitivity and cavities.


Caffeine is a diuretic. Consuming excess milk tea will increase the production of urine in the body and will cause dehydration. It further leads to dizziness, and weakness, and causes unhealthy skin, hair fall and digestion issues as well.

Avoid Tea Or Caffeine During Pregnancy

As per the 
National Institutes of health consuming excess caffeine in any form such as Tea, Coffee, Candy etc. may lead to a small size of a baby. In addition, WHO reports claimed that Caffeine may restrict the growth of babies along with a reduction in infant’s weight.



We cannot say that milk tea is bad for health, it’s a delicious beverage with some good effects. However, anything consumed in excess amounts will certainly lead to negative results. Drinking tea every day with milk and sugar will increase the number of health risks troubling your healthy life.



In conclusion, consuming milk tea in moderation and being mindful of the ingredients, portion sizes, and overall dietary choices can help you enjoy it without adverse health effects. Moreover, the tea you consume will add to your daily caloric intake. So, it's crucial to count the calories found in it by analyzing and evaluating your overall eating habits online.



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Download the Dr Trust 360 app, a popular calorie tracking app that has a large database of Indian food items both home-cooked and restaurant that we consume on a daily basis. It is the most user-friendly app that can provide personalized guidance based on your specific circumstances.

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Masood Ahmed - ஜூன் 29, 2024

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