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World Food Safety Day:  Foodborne Illnesses Impact On Individuals With Chronic Health Conditions

World Food Safety Day: Foodborne Illnesses Impact On Individuals With Chronic Health Conditions


On 7 June 2023, we will celebrate the World Food Safety Day to draw your attention to the impact of food borne illnesses on the life of people with chronic health conditions. We will also let you know how chronic health conditions can be handled effectively by integrating food safety efforts and health monitoring in routine life. 





Chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, and compromised immune systems can increase the risk and severity of foodborne illnesses. These conditions not only affect our quality of life but also pose risks when it comes to food safety. Foodborne illnesses or infections, are caused by consuming contaminated food or beverages. These illnesses are typically caused by bacteria, viruses, parasites, or toxins produced by these microorganisms. Individuals with chronic health conditions may be more susceptible to foodborne illnesses or have specific dietary requirements.





Severity of Symptoms Will Increase


People with chronic conditions may experience more severe symptoms compared to individuals with healthy immune systems. For example, a person with diabetes who contracts a foodborne illness may have difficulty managing their blood sugar levels due to the impact of the infection on their body.


Weaken Immune System                                                


Chronic conditions can weaken the immune system's ability to fight off infections. This weakened immunity makes individuals more vulnerable to pathogens present in contaminated food.


Increased Risk of Complications


Individuals with chronic conditions are more prone to developing complications from foodborne illnesses. For example, a person with a compromised immune system due to an autoimmune disorder may experience a more severe infection or develop secondary infections.


Exacerbation of Underlying Conditions


Foodborne illnesses can worsen existing chronic conditions. For instance, individuals with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may experience a flare-up of symptoms, including abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting, when infected with certain foodborne pathogens.


Delayed Recovery


The recovery process from a foodborne illness can be prolonged for individuals with chronic conditions. The combination of the infection and the underlying health condition can lead to a slower healing process. This can result in an extended period of discomfort and disruption to daily life.


Impaired Nutritional Status


Foodborne illnesses can disrupt the normal absorption of nutrients in the body, leading to malnutrition or nutrient deficiencies. This can be particularly problematic for individuals with chronic conditions who may already have nutritional challenges related to their specific health condition. Malnutrition can further weaken their immune system and worsen their overall health.






Key Food Safety Measures To Follow


Ensuring #FoodSafety is of utmost importance to protect health and prevent foodborne illnesses. Here are some key food safety measures that should be followed:


Tip #1.

Maintain good personal hygiene practices, such as washing hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling food, after using the restroom, and after touching raw meat or poultry.


Tip #2.

Avoid touching your face, hair, or any other body parts while handling food.


Tip #3.

Prevent cross-contamination by keeping raw and cooked foods separate. Use separate cutting boards, utensils, and plates for raw and cooked foods.


Tip #4.

Store raw meat, poultry, and seafood in sealed containers or bags to prevent their juices from dripping onto other foods.


Tip #5.

Cook foods to the appropriate temperatures to kill harmful bacteria.


Tip #6.

Use a food thermometer to ensure that meat, poultry, seafood, and other potentially hazardous foods are cooked thoroughly.


Tip #7.

Store perishable foods, such as meat, poultry, dairy products, and leftovers, in the refrigerator at temperatures below 40°F (4°C).


Tip #8.

Use proper food storage containers to prevent contamination and spoilage. Frozen foods should be kept at 0°F (-18°C) or below.


Tip #9.

Clean and sanitize all food preparation surfaces, utensils, and equipment regularly. Pay special attention to high-risk areas such as cutting boards, countertops, and sinks.


Tip #10.

Use hot, soapy water for cleaning and an appropriate sanitizing solution to kill bacteria and other pathogens.



Health Monitoring Helps Managing Chronic Conditions and Enhancing Food Safety


Key Points


1. Key metrics include blood pressure, blood glucose levels, cholesterol levels, body mass index (BMI), and other relevant indicators.
2. Monitoring can give you valuable insights into overall health status and identify potential risks or areas that require attention.
3. Health metrics monitoring can help individuals identify food allergies or intolerances. It makes users more conscious for proper hygiene practices, storage guidelines, and the selection of high-quality ingredients.




Regular health metrics monitoring creates awareness about the importance of safe food handling and preparation. Individuals become more conscious of proper hygiene practices, storage guidelines, and the selection of high-quality ingredients.  This reduces the risk of complications and enhances overall well-being. Moreover, when individuals maintain better control of their chronic conditions, they are better equipped to handle any potential food safety risks associated with their specific health needs. This heightened awareness contributes to a safer food environment for everyone.








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