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Menstrual Hygiene: 9 Must-do Tips Every Girl and Woman Should Follow For Healthy Periods

Menstrual Hygiene: 9 Must-do Tips Every Girl and Woman Should Follow For Healthy Periods

Menstrual Hygiene Day, observed on May 28 to increase awareness about menstrual hygiene.  Maintaining menstrual hygiene is essential for the health and well-being of women and girls. Here are some must-do steps that can be taken to ensure good menstrual hygiene.



The World Menstrual Hygiene Day observed on May 28th to raise awareness about menstrual hygiene management and break the silence surrounding menstruation. The day has been celebrated annually to highlight the importance of menstrual health and address the challenges faced by women and girls in managing their menstruation.



Menstrual hygiene




Importance of Menstrual Hygiene

Menstrual hygiene is important because it has a significant impact on the health and well-being of women and girls. It directly impacts the dignity, education, productivity, and overall well-being of women and girls. By addressing menstrual hygiene needs and challenges, we can create a more equitable and supportive environment for all. Here's why menstrual hygiene matters for everyone:


1. Proper menstrual hygiene practices help prevent infections, such as urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, and bacterial growth. Maintaining cleanliness and using hygienic menstrual products reduces the risk of many health issues.


vaginal infections




2. Access to clean and safe menstrual products, sanitation facilities, and information empowers them to fully participate in daily activities, education, work, and social interactions.


3. Menstruation is a natural aspect of being a woman, and promoting menstrual hygiene is essential for achieving gender equality.


4. Adequate sanitation infrastructure, including clean toilets and waste disposal systems, is necessary to prevent the spread of diseases and ensure the well-being of communities.


5. Opting sustainable menstrual hygiene options, such as reusable cloth pads and menstrual cups, helps reduce the environmental impact of disposable menstrual products. By adopting eco-friendly alternatives, we can minimize waste generation and contribute to a more sustainable future.


6. By promoting open dialogue, education, and awareness, we can break the silence surrounding menstruation, eliminate myths and misconceptions, and foster a more inclusive and accepting society.





Tips To Keep In Mind For Your Menstrual Hygiene



Tip #1. Use clean and hygienic menstrual products


Choose the menstrual product that suits your needs and preferences, such as sanitary pads, tampons, menstrual cups, or reusable cloth pads. Ensure that the product is of good quality, clean, and changed regularly as per the manufacturer's instructions.


Tip #2. Wash hands before and after handling menstrual products


It is crucial to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean water before and after changing your menstrual product. This helps prevent the spread of germs and reduces the risk of infections.


Tip #3. Change menstrual products regularly


It is important to change your menstrual product regularly, as leaving it on for too long can lead to bacterial growth and unpleasant odors. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer on how frequently the product should be changed.


Tip #4. Proper disposal of used menstrual products


Wrap used menstrual products in paper or a plastic bag and dispose of them in a designated bin. Avoid flushing menstrual products down the toilet, as it can cause blockages in the plumbing system.


Tip #5. Maintain personal hygiene


During menstruation, it is important to maintain regular personal hygiene. Take a shower or clean your genital area with water and mild soap regularly to keep it clean and fresh.


Tip #6. Stay hydrated


Drinking an adequate amount of water during menstruation helps maintain overall health and can reduce the occurrence of urinary tract infections.


Tip #7. Choose comfortable and breathable clothing


Wear comfortable and breathable underwear and clothing to allow air circulation and minimize discomfort. Avoid tight-fitting clothes, as they can increase moisture and heat, leading to potential infections.


Tip #8. Proper sanitation


Ensure that the toilet facilities you use are clean and have access to water for washing. If clean water is not available, use wet wipes or toilet paper for cleaning.


Tip #9. Educate yourself and others


Learn about menstrual hygiene management, reproductive health, and menstrual health issues. Share this knowledge with other girls and women to help break the stigma and promote understanding.



Alternative Methods That Help To Manage Period Pain


If you experience unusual pain or persistent discomfort during your period / menstruation, apply heat therapy to the lower abdomen, it will help relax the uterine muscles and alleviate pain. Use a heating pad, hot water bottle, or take a warm bath to experience relief. On the other hand, you can also try using heat patches and herbal remedies for menstrual pain relief.




When it comes to period pain, also known as dysmenorrhea, TENS devices can be used to target the lower abdominal area where the pain is often concentrated. TENS therapy involves using a device that delivers mild electrical impulses to the skin, which can help to alleviate pain by blocking pain signals from reaching the brain. TENS unit can also stimulate the nerves and release endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals produced by the body. This can lead to a reduction in the intensity of menstrual cramps and provide temporary relief.




Dr Physio TENS unit


Dr Physio TENS units are available for home use. They can be helpful for managing your period pain.



Remember, maintaining menstrual hygiene is not only crucial for physical health but also for promoting confidence, dignity, and overall well-being. It can greatly improve comfort and quality of life. If your period pain is severe, significantly interferes with your daily activities, or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, you can also talk to a healthcare professional for appropriate guidance and treatment. They can provide guidance, diagnose any underlying conditions, and recommend appropriate treatment options.


Want to Know more about menstrual hygiene? Click below!

Reference 1

Reference 2



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