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Dengue Prevention and Control: 12 Tips to Avoid Dengue at Home

Dengue Prevention and Control: 12 Tips to Avoid Dengue at Home


Dengue is on the rise and impacting our lives. Don't let it disrupt your well-being. Health monitoring, along with prompt medical attention, is essential in managing dengue effectively and reducing the risk of severe complications and mortality. Here are 12 effective tips to shield yourself from mosquito bites and stay safe:


You may be receiving daily news updates about Dengue Fever due to the situation currently prevailing in India. Since July 2023 dengue cases have been rising In India rapidly.

Dengue Fever


Dengue fever, an infectious viral illness transmitted by the bite of Aedes mosquitoes, poses a significant health threat in many parts of the world. While there is no specific antiviral Dengue treatment, prevention remains the most effective way to combat this potentially life-threatening disease.



According to information from WHO, dengue is common in more than 100 countries, and about half of the people in the world are at risk of getting it.

Dengue is a widespread concern globally, affecting over half the world's population, and Indian research has contributed to better understanding and managing severe dengue cases. Dengue is spreading to new places and affecting more people. Look at the report from the National Center for Vector Borne Diseases Control (NCVBDC) on dengue cases and demise in India from 2018.

Know more about types of Dengue in India. Indian scientists have conducted research to improve how we deal with the serious types of dengue fever.


Symptoms Of Dengue


Dengue fever is a viral illness that can vary in severity. Common symptoms typically appear in 4-10 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. 


Mild Symptoms

Mild Symptoms can be recovered with proper medication. These symptoms include;

High fever (40°C/104°F)

Severe headache

Pain behind the eyes

Muscle and joint pains



Swollen glands



Health Risks 

Sometimes Dengue fever can cause severe health issues. However, warning signs are usually observed 24 to 48 hours after the fever. These signs include;

Severe abdominal pain

Persistent vomiting

Rapid breathing

Bleeding gums or nose 



Blood in vomit or stool

Being very thirsty

Pale and cold skin

Feeling weak.


Stay informed about symptoms of dengue, cooperate with your community, and seek prompt medical help if you or someone you know shows dengue symptoms. 


Your home can be a breeding ground for these disease-carrying mosquitoes, but with the right knowledge and practices, you can create a safer environment for you and your family. By implementing these measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of dengue transmission and enjoy a healthier, mosquito-free living space. Let's dive in and learn how to fortify your defenses against dengue.


12 Thankful Tips for Dengue Precautions at Home



1. Remove Standing Water: Get rid of anything that collects water, like flower pots, buckets, or old tires. Don't leave water sitting around.

2. Clean Gutters and Drains: Make sure your gutters and drains are clear so water doesn't get stuck, which can attract mosquitoes. You may contact the local Municipal authorities in order to process the cleaning in the right way. 

3. Use Screens and Nets: Put mesh screens on doors and windows to keep mosquitoes out. If you don't have screens or air conditioning, use a mosquito net when you sleep to protect yourself.

4. Wear Protective Clothes: At the time when mosquitoes are most active (early morning and late afternoon), wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, socks, and closed shoes to prevent mosquito bites.

5. Use Bug Spray: Apply insect repellent on your skin and clothes. Look for ones with DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Follow the guide on the spray bag always to get better results.

6. Keep Your Home and Yard Clean: Regularly clean your house and yard to remove places where mosquitoes can hide.

7. Healthy Diet: Add vitamin C-rich foods such as citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, and grapefruits), Carbohydrates, and Protein in your diet. You may also have Papaya Leaf, Pomegranate, Coconut water, Kiwifruits etc. 

8. Dispose of Trash Properly: Throw away trash the right way so that water can't collect in things you've thrown out.

9. Pool and Water Feature Care: If you have a pool or any water feature, make sure they're clean and use chlorine to prevent mosquitoes from breeding there.

10. Community Effort: Work together with your neighbors and the people in your area to get rid of places where mosquitoes can breed. Dengue can affect everyone around, so it's important to cooperate.

11. Stay Informed: Pay attention to the news and updates about dengue outbreaks in your area. Follow any advice or actions that the government suggests to control the virus.

12. Seek Medical Help Quickly: If you or someone you know shows symptoms of dengue-like fever, severe headache, joint and muscle pain, rash, or bleeding, it's very important to go to a doctor as soon as possible. Don't delay seeking medical help.


Dengue Health Management- Choose Dr Trust for Crucial Health Monitoring


Health monitoring is of paramount importance when dealing with both dengue and its severe form, dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF. Use Dr Trust digital thermometer to track body temperature, a Dr Trust pulse oximeter to measure pulse rate and oxygen levels, and a Dr Trust Blood pressure Monitor for regular blood pressure checks to assess cardiovascular health and detect shock signs. Health monitoring, along with prompt medical attention, is essential in managing dengue effectively and reducing the risk of severe complications and mortality.




Dengue Fever Treatment with Regular Health Monitoring PNG


Stay Dengue-Free with These Proven Strategies!




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