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6 Do's and Don'ts while having Typhoid Fever

6 Do's and Don'ts while having Typhoid Fever

A Change in Season brings several Bacterial infections and Diseases. This year, from the past few weeks bacterial infection cases have been noticed to increase.



“Typhoid cases on the rise in India”



The bacterium Salmonella Typhi is the reason for a Life-Threatening disease called Typhoid. The symptoms include Headache, Weakness and fatigue, Muscle aches, Stomach pain, Diarrhoea or constipation, Rash, etc. People usually ignore the early stages of the mild symptoms.



Did you know...

"WHO reports says: As of 2019, an estimated 9 million people get sick from typhoid and 110,000 people die from it every year."




✅ 1. Seek Medical Attention:

If you suspect you have typhoid fever or have been diagnosed with it, consult a healthcare professional immediately, since usually the symptoms in the beginning are mild and people tend to ignore it. Typhoid fever can be life-threatening and requires medical treatment.


✅ 2. Take Prescribed Medications:

Follow your doctor's prescribed treatment plan, which usually includes antibiotics. Finish the entire course of antibiotics as directed, even if you start feeling better before completing the medication. Make sure to visit the doctor after completing the drug and do the required tests

✅ 3. Stay Hydrated:

Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, as typhoid fever can cause high fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Oral rehydration solutions or electrolyte drinks can be helpful.


✅ 4. Maintain Good Hygiene:

Practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands frequently with soap and water. This can help prevent the spread of the bacteria to others. Make sure to take a bath every day and stay in clean surroundings.


 ✅ 5. Rest well:

Get plenty of rest to help your body recover and strengthen your immune system. Avoid any work that requires a bunch of energy.


✅ 6. Eat a Nutritious and Balanced Diet:

Eat soft, easily digestible foods, such as rice, bananas, applesauce, and plain yogurt. These can help provide essential nutrients and prevent stomach upset. If you feel anything uncomfortable after eating, consult your doctor about the proper diet.




 1. Don't Self-Medicate:

Do not self-diagnose or self-medicate for typhoid fever. Since there is always a slight difference in characteristics of typhoid fever which requires the exact medication Seek professional medical advice and follow the prescribed treatment.


2. Avoid Raw or Uncooked Food:

Stay away from raw or undercooked foods, especially seafood, eggs, and meat, as they may harbour the bacteria that cause typhoid fever. Avoid deep-fried food, and spicy snacks, and Limit Dairy and High-Fat Foods


 3. Avoid Intense Workouts and Gym:

Since your body is in the recovering mode which requires energy. Intense workouts or gym may exhaust your body and worsen the situation. Hence even after being recovered consult your health professional to start the workout Schedule.


 4. Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine:

Alcohol and caffeine can dehydrate your body, so it's best to avoid them while you're sick.


Don't Share Utensils or Personal Items:

To prevent the spread of the infection, avoid sharing utensils, towels, and personal items with others.


Do Not Engage in Close Contact:

If you have typhoid fever, avoid close contact with others, especially pregnant women, infants, and individuals with weakened immune systems, as they are more susceptible to the infection.

Some Diagnosis or Severe diseases can be cured with proper treatment along with catching them at the early stages. Not only Typhoid but there are innumerable infections, diseases, and health risks that are spreading and growing with time.

Hence it's not only important but necessary to keep track of your health with health monitoring devices. Even the  National Library of Medicine claims to use Health Monitoring Devices since each patient has different Characteristics and Symptoms.

Keeping a record with the help of such Electronic Health Monitoring devices will help you keep the data with you and allow your doctors to accurately understand the Characteristics of your exact symptoms and come up with the right solution.

Thermometers for Fever PNG


Thermometers: Make sure to keep track of your body temperature with the right Thermometer. It will help your Doctor to check the accurate temperature during Treatment. 


ECG  Always Monitor your heartbeats. This device will help you measure your heartbeats in the form of electric waveforms on the screen. 



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