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Shooting down common myths you have heard of Diabetes

Shooting down common myths you have heard of Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the major public health concerns and is globally affecting a huge population. With the progressive quality of life, we have shifted to unhealthy eating patterns and therefore we are getting more prone to such serious health conditions. Following its trend, Diabetes was earlier more prevalent in older age groups and obese people than in younger and thin people. However, in the current scenario, we are unable to predict who might get hit by it next. It is unavoidable in many cases. But thankfully we are in an era of smart technologies where we can track and manage Diabetes. Keep a track of your blood glucose levels at home with Dr Trust wide range of Glucometers.
There is 3 type of Diabetes existing: Type 1 Diabetes; Type 2 Diabetes; Gestational Diabetes. Type 1 Diabetes or Insulin Dependent Diabetes is an autoimmune disorder caused when the body’s immune system attacks β cells in the pancreas that are responsible for secreting insulin hormone which is further responsible for breaking down blood glucose, therefore managing blood sugar levels in a normal range. Type 2 or Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder where β cells are well capable of secreting insulin hormone but the body is unable to assimilate blood glucose. This results in excessive accumulation of insulin (hyperinsulinemia) and glucose (hyperglycemia) in the blood. While Gestational Diabetes develops only during pregnancy in exceptional cases and disappears after delivery.
Popular Myths related to Diabetes:
  1. MYTH✘ : Diabetes develops due to your eating habits
TRUTH ✔ : It is true what you sow you shall reap, a healthy body is the end result of a healthy diet. However, it is not the same with Diabetes. Diabetes doesn’t always depend on the diet you are consuming. Instead, you are at its risk due to your family history of diabetes, your body’s immune response toward insulin-producing cells, and environmental circumstances. So you are liberal to choose your meals including sugary products but remember to have everything in moderate amounts. To maintain blood sugar levels, it is always better to upgrade dietary choices and have them in balanced amounts to avoid the risk of developing Diabetes.
  1. MYTH ✘: Only obese people are prone to Diabetes
TRUTH ✔ :It is a very common myth that only overweight people get attacked with Diabetes. However, it is not always true. Even skinny people get attacked with Diabetes. It’s the genetic history of your family that confirms whether you will build up Diabetes in the future or not. It might be surprising to you but most of the population in the USA with normal body mass index (BMI) are suffering from Diabetes. Hence overweight people are not necessarily prone to Diabetes. Besides, it’s always better to maintain a healthy weight to avoid the risk of developing Diabetes.
  1. MYTH ✘: Diabetics have to rely on a sugar-free diet
TRUTH ✔ : People with severe Diabetes or with blood glucose levels >150 mg/dL tend to get worried that they might have to stick to a sugar-free diet to lower their blood glucose levels. But you can always enjoy the food of your choice even if you are suffering from Diabetes. All you need to do is keep a track of your blood glucose levels and make sure to have smaller portions of food items that can effectively influence your glucose levels. It’s better to manage your meals by compensating for starchy food with non-starchy ones and replacing sugar-rich foods with their fewer sugar counterparts. In addition preferring natural foods over processed food items. Switching over to healthy eating patterns will certainly reduce the overall risk of developing Diabetes.
  1. MYTH ✘ : It’s not safe for diabetics to workout
TRUTH ✔ : Moving your body in any form and any condition is always helpful until you are suggested complete bed rest by your doctor. Therefore it’s absolutely safe to work out even if you have Diabetes. Working out will help to keep your body metabolism active, maintain blood sugar levels and maintain body weight. You just have to wisely plan the exercise time according to your meals and keep a track of glucose levels before and after workout sessions. You may indulge in light to brisk walks or outdoor activities including cycling, swimming, or your favorite sport, and continue if your body responds well. Current research shows that people involved in physical activities are less prone to Diabetes.1
  1. MYTH ✘ : Diabetics have to survive on insulin injections
TRUTH ✔ : It is a terrifying myth that you need to have insulin injections before your meal if you are diabetic. It is absolutely mistaken. According to recent research, if your carbohydrates intake is under your control, then you don’t need to rely on insulin injections or you may discontinue its use.2 Furthermore, it’s always better to consult your doctor before initiating insulin injections as different bodies may react differently to the same dose.
  1. MYTH ✘ : Difficulty in conceiving
TRUTH ✔ : It is again a myth that you are not able to conceive if you are diabetic. Medical science completely disapproves this myth. You might have mild complications in maintaining blood sugar and blood pressure levels which can be resolved with proper guidance. Also, a diabetic pregnant woman doesn’t necessarily have to pass on Diabetes to the neonatal. The neonatal is not at risk until it’s genetic in origin. Hence, maintaining a healthy weight and keeping a track of blood sugar and blood pressure levels before, during, and after birth can offer a healthy pregnancy.
  1. MYTH ✘ : Diabetics have to strictly give up on alcohol
TRUTH ✔ : Drinking too much alcohol is any day injurious to health. As far as the role of alcohol in Diabetes is concerned, it’s absolutely OK to binge on a glass or two occasionally. However, on excessive consumption, there is the risk of decreased blood sugar levels that might cause unconsciousness. Keeping in mind the seriousness of your blood sugar levels, you may wisely choose the alcohol options with low sugar content including beers, red and white wines, and other low carbs alcohols preferably. 
  1. Talukder, A., Hossain, M.Z. (2020).Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and Its Associated Factors in Bangladesh: Application of Two-level Logistic Regression Model. Sci Rep10, 10237.
  2. Wolver, S., Fadel, K., Fieger, E., Aburish, Z., O'Rourke, B., Chandler, T. M., Shimotani, D., Clingempeel, N., Jain, S., Jain, A., & Puri, P. (2021). Clinical Use of a Real-World Low Carbohydrate Diet Resulting in Reduction of Insulin Dose, Hemoglobin A1c, and Weight. Frontiers in nutrition, 8, 690855.
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