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Ranked No.1 Home Healthcare Brand in India
Ranked No.1 Home Healthcare Brand in India
Ranked No.1 Home Healthcare Brand in India
The country of China has reported thousands of deaths because of the Coronavirus outbreak and health authorities are diagnosing more and more cases every day. In fact, this novel virus has spread to so many countries around the world and the cases across the globe are on the rise. About 25-27 countries have confirmed cases in their nations, many of them also recording deaths that are on the rise. The Coronavirus could create havoc if we fail in developing effective tools and innovations to combat the disease as soon as possible. There are growing concerns for combating its potential spread as it could go in any direction in the future. On the other hand, the World Health Organization (WHO), a specified agency that works in the area of world public health has also declared it a public health emergency and has taken several decisions to accelerate research & development for the prevention of the Coronavirus.
What Is Coronavirus?
The Coronavirus (CoV) was first identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019. According to WHO, CoV is a large family of viruses that has not been found in any human life. This could potentially be a zoonotic disease and is transmitted easily between animals and humans. CoV causes several illnesses ranging from a simple common cold to severe life-threatening symptoms.
Common Signs of the Corona Virus are:
While some CoV patients recover easily, others suffer from serious illnesses such as permanent respiratory issues, pneumonia, and lung failure. Due to the severity of the illness, it is very important to monitor the situation of everybody who has chances of this infection. It spreads from animal to human and human to human.
To prevent COVID-19 infection everyone should practice good hygiene including:
Temperature Measurement Should Reduce the Chances of Spreading of CoV Virus
According to WHO, regular temperature screening can reduce the chances of spreading of CoV. As a result, the laser thermometers have become an important part of an effective CoV defense mechanism. Infrared thermometers are more powerful because their sensing technology allows them to determine the temperature from a distance through radiation. The radiation measures the heat emitting from the human body quickly and accurately. These handy infrared thermometer devices determine the heat radiating from the human body without touching the human body and pretty safe to use during this deadly outbreak. They are accurate, quick, and reliable. They come in a gun form (infrared temperature guns) and are very easy to use with zero hassle.
Research shows when infrared thermometers are used correctly, these no-contact laser thermometer guns are just as accurate as regular thermometers. No contact thermometers or infrared temperature guns have been popular amongst paediatricians; however, this pandemic has made it necessary for CoV screenings for non-contact purposes.
We cannot get rid of this disease in a single day, but we can prevent it by implementing technically correct innovations for its prevention. The use of the infrared thermometer has become crucial to control this havoc and you can also buy an infrared thermometer for taking care of your family. Check out the range of infrared thermometers from Dr Trust Here.
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