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Strong Bones Care Tips Osteoporosis Day Dr Trust PNG

8 Essential Tips To Help Keep Your Bones Healthy And Strong

If you have constant lower back pain, receding gums, or joint pains, don't ignore them. Neglecting these pain or warning signs can pave the way for severe bone problems, including osteoporosis, which can significantly compromise your quality of life and physical strength.


Did You Know?




  1. Osteoporosis claims a higher mortality rate than breast and prostate cancer. 
  1. Globally, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men aged over 50 will encounter osteoporotic fractures.
  1. The global healthcare system allocates approximately USD 19 billion towards Osteoporosis, a cost projected to surge as the population ages, annually. 
  1. Osteoporosis is responsible for over 8.9 million fractures, equating to an osteoporotic fracture occurring every 3 seconds. 



In our fast-paced lives, we often overlook the need to give our bones the attention they deserve, alongside a balanced diet and care. As vital pillars of our bodies, bones enable mobility.  Bones provide support and shape, supporting our body weight and safeguarding vital organs like the brain and heart.


Surprisingly, Osteoporosis often goes undetected and undervalued, resulting in only 20% of fracture patients receiving proper care. The management of Osteoporosis encompasses lifestyle adjustments, medications, and preventive fracture services.1


What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a condition where bones weaken and become brittle. It results from an imbalance in bone formation and removal.


What is Osteoporosis ? Bone Health Easy Tips For Making Your Bones Strong PNG


Some Of The Major Symptoms


  • Fragility Fractures
  • Height Loss
  • Receding Gums
  • Stooped Spine
  • Lower Back Pain


Build Better Bones

Unlock the secrets to stronger bones through simple daily practices


1. Balanced Diet


Incorporate foods like whole grains (e.g., brown rice), fruits (e.g., oranges for vitamin C), vegetables (e.g., spinach for calcium), low-fat dairy (e.g., yogurt), and protein sources (e.g., lean chicken) for a well-rounded diet.


2. Calcium Intake and Supplements


Enjoy dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt as calcium sources. For instance, a cup of low-fat yogurt provides about 45% of the daily calcium requirement.


Consider calcium supplements or fortified foods like calcium-fortified cereal, which can help bridge the gap if your diet lacks adequate calcium-rich foods.

Osteoporosis Day...

Each year 20th October is celebrated as Osteoporosis Day and is observed to raise awareness about the significance of bone health and fracture prevention on a worldwide scale. This initiative engages healthcare experts, the media, policymakers, patients, and the general population.

This day is a yearly reminder of the importance of bone health because bones might not be something we think about daily, but they play a crucial role in our overall well-being. Strong bones are essential for maintaining mobility, preventing fractures, and ensuring a good quality of life as we age.



3. Quit Smoking and Alcohol


Opt for healthy alternatives like calcium-fortified almond milk instead of smoking. Minimize alcohol intake and choose calcium-rich drinks like fortified orange juice.


4. Vitamin D


Consume foods like salmon, tuna, and fortified cereals for vitamin D. Alternatively, take vitamin D supplements as recommended.


5. Physical Activity and Exercise


Engage in weight-bearing exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, or lifting weights, which stimulate bone growth and strength.


Exercise is essential for strong bones. Weight-bearing activities increase bone density and muscle strength, reducing the risk of falls. It improves balance, joint health, and overall well-being. Regular exercise is vital for lifelong bone health.



6. Medical Consultation


If you have a medical condition (e.g., celiac disease) that affects bone health, consult a healthcare provider for personalized guidance.


Important for women…

Seek medical advice if you experience a three-month absence of menstrual periods. Ensure adequate calcium and vitamin D intake during this time.


7. DASH Eating Plan


Adopt the DASH Eating Plan, featuring calcium-rich foods like low-fat dairy and plenty of fruits and vegetables to support heart and bone health.

DASH, which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, is a nutrition strategy formulated to manage or ward off high blood pressure by promoting a healthy eating regimen.


8. Vegetables


Include vegetables like broccoli and kale, as they offer well-absorbed calcium. Even though spinach contains calcium, consider various calcium sources for a balanced intake.


Vegetables are crucial for bone health as they offer essential nutrients, maintain pH balance, and provide anti-inflammatory compounds. Fiber aids nutrient absorption, while vegetables’ low-calorie content aids weight management. Examples include calcium-rich kale and vitamin K-packed broccoli, both promoting bone strength.


Be Mindful of Balance and Posture


Good balance and posture can help prevent falls and fractures, especially as we age. Activities like yoga and tai chi can improve your balance and posture, reducing the risk of injury. It's worth noting that Dr Trust posture correctors can be valuable tools for achieving better posture with physical alignment. Moreover, proper posture support can lead to a substantial improvement in overall musculoskeletal health, reducing the risk of falls and fractures, especially as we age.



By embracing a balanced diet, regular exercise, and a smoke-free, moderate lifestyle, you are ensuring your bones will continue to be your lifelong support system. Remember, our bones are the foundation of our mobility and well-being, and nurturing them through these small, daily choices is the key to a strong and active future.

Our bones are the sturdy pillars that support our bodies and deserve our utmost care. Preventing bone damage is far easier than dealing with fractures and injuries, so take proactive steps to maintain robust and healthy bones.


  • Do you incorporate any of these habits for maintaining bone health?
  • Is there anything in particular you practice to keep your bones healthy?
  • What are your unique approaches to promoting bone health?


Feel free to share your routines for inspiring others to adopt healthier habits for strong bones.


முந்தைய கட்டுரை Alvida Ramadan: Follow A Holistic Approach To Nurture Your Body After Eid ☪🤲


Jyoti - அக்டோபர் 21, 2023

Yes, my unique approach is to include multivitamins in my diet too.

Some of the points are new that I am gonna add to my schedules!

Jyoti - அக்டோபர் 21, 2023

Yes, my unique approach is to include multivitamins in my diet too.

Some of the points are new that I am gonna add to my schedules!

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