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Health Alert: 150 % Rise In Cases Of Diabetes In India, Prevention Tips For Taking Control

Health Alert: 150 % Rise In Cases Of Diabetes In India, Prevention Tips For Taking Control

With a combination of genetic predisposition, urbanization, lifestyle changes, and lack of awareness, the number of diabetic patients in India is on the rise. It is indeed a serious health concern that requires immediate attention In this blog post, we will delve into the alarming situation of increasing diabetic patients in India, explore the ICMR's guidelines, and discuss measures that can be taken on a personal level to control this situation. It is crucial for individuals to take personal responsibility in managing and preventing diabetes.



Alarming Data On Diabetes



The Alarming Stats of a Recent ICMR Study Published in the UK medical journal ‘Lancet’  1




Diabetes Facts




Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Chandigarh have fewer pre-diabetes cases compared to diabetes cases.




Diabetes Facts




The study warns of an explosion of diabetes cases in states with lower prevalence, such as UP, MP, Bihar and Arunachal Pradesh, over the next few years.




Why Diabetes Cases In India Are Rising At an Alarming Rate


Several factors are responsible to India's growing prevalence of diabetes that has earned the country the unfortunate title of the "diabetes capital of the world." Factors like sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet and stress are driving a significant and rapid increase in diabetes cases. Genetic predisposition among Indians, particularly those of South Asian descent, makes them more susceptible to developing diabetes. Urbanization and lifestyle changes have led to sedentary lifestyles, increased consumption of processed foods, reduced physical activity, and rising obesity rates, all of which contribute to the higher incidence of diabetes. Cultural factors, including a preference for carbohydrate-rich diets, also play a role. Lack of awareness, limited access to healthcare, and socioeconomic factors further compound the problem.




ICMR's New Guidelines


Recognizing the urgent need to address the diabetes epidemic, the ICMR has recently issued new guidelines aimed at combating the rising number of diabetic patients. These guidelines focus on prevention, early detection, and management of diabetes. The ICMR emphasizes the implementation of structured diabetes prevention programs at various levels, including community-based initiatives, workplace interventions, and educational campaigns targeting high-risk individuals. Periodic screenings are recommended to detect diabetes in its early stages, allowing for timely intervention and management.




Lifestyle Changes to Help Control Diabetes



While the ICMR's guidelines provide a framework for addressing the diabetes crisis, individuals must also take proactive measures to control and prevent diabetes. Here are some key steps to consider:


Healthy Eating Habits


Opt for a balanced diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Limit the intake of sugary and processed foods. Portion control is crucial to maintain a healthy weight and prevent insulin resistance.




Regular Exercise


Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine. Engage in aerobic exercises such as walking, jogging, or cycling, and include strength training exercises to build muscle mass and improve insulin sensitivity.



Weight Management


Maintain a healthy body weight through a combination of a nutritious diet and regular exercise. Excess weight, particularly around the waistline, increases the risk of developing diabetes.


Stress Management


Chronic stress can affect blood sugar levels. Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or engaging in hobbies to promote emotional well-being.


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Educate Yourself


Stay informed about diabetes by seeking reliable sources of information. Understand the risk factors, symptoms, and potential complications associated with the disease.


Regular Health Check-ups


Visit your healthcare provider regularly for comprehensive check-ups. Screenings for blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels can help in early detection and timely management of diabetes.






Keep Your Glucose Levels in Check


For individuals with diabetes, regular monitoring of blood glucose levels using a glucometer at home is an important part of managing the condition. It helps them gain insight into their blood sugar levels throughout the day and allows for timely adjustments in their treatment plan. When buying a glucometer, consider Dr Trust’s Glucometers which are known for accuracy and ease of use in measuring blood glucose levels. These user-friendly devices come with the test strips compatible with them. These are handy devices that allow you to measure your blood glucose levels easily anytime anywhere. They also allow you to note down your blood glucose readings in a logbook or Dr Trust 360 health monitoring app.  This will help you track your progress and share the information with your healthcare provider during your check-ups.





The alarming rise in the number of diabetic patients in India demands immediate attention. While the ICMR's guidelines provide a comprehensive approach to tackle the diabetes epidemic, individuals must also take personal responsibility. Remember, prevention and early intervention are key to managing and controlling diabetes, and each individual's efforts contribute to a healthier future for our nation.




Also Read: Diabetes: Long-term Effects and How It Can Be Controlled

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